Spokesperson: Azhan Rabi
Last saturday, I attend a talk that held in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. The Spokesperson which name Azhan Rabi is a professional social media communicator that he had a lot of working and self experience in this related field. So today, he came to our college to give a talk entitled "Manage your Social Presence in the Digital World".
First of all, the spokesperson explain to us regarding the social trend nowadays which everyone no matter who are you do everything things online such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and more. He also explain to us what is social media and says that mobile and social media has an important relationships because they are merge together. Moreover, he had analyzed some data about the percentage of the social media users population around the world. Famous social networking applications like Whatsapp, Wechat and Line is also social media platform that often use by people to communicate to others. Azhan Rabi show us the data which there are 65% of online users login daily to social media and almost 97% of people have an online account. Based on this, I have learned that the usage of new media nowadays is increase rapidly and are widely use by people all around the world and brings a great influence to peoples.
What you do digitally?
In the digital world, peoples communicate using a very digital ways which they speak, they talk, they shout, they like, they comment, they tag, they share and hash tag everything online. Everyone connect with others are no longer speak face to face because whatever people want to express they post on a status. in the same way, they getting like, comment or feedback from their friends also from online.Besides, I had learned the power of viral in the talk which the spokesperson give an example of the selfies that took by the famous host Ellen Degeneres.
Ellen DeGeneres takes a selfie for the ages from the front row during the Academy Awards telecast.
Ellen DeGeneres set the record for most retweeted tweet of all-time, but she's also the first user to top 1 million retweets for a single Twitter post.Surpassing 1,300,000 retweets in less than an hour, TheEllenShow posted the record-breaker while hosting the Oscars tonight. The mega-selfie featured, among others, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey and Bradley Cooper, who snapped the shot.
What is digital presence?
Azhan Rabi says that it has two categories which is a physical identity and digital identity. Physical identity is refer to a person who in reality while digital identity is an extension of who you are or who are on-line. He also says that everything free is belong to the service providers. There are a lot of peoples searching for a job on network because it is a convenience way and importantly which this services is free. I have learned that everyone who use social media is a digital assets when we share and post anything on-line, the post will stay on-line forever. A good example provides by Azhan Rabi is the Meme which is a type of graphic that are very popular nowadays.
Nevertheless, some peoples might use social media wrongly and cause cyber-bullying happens on the internet. It is because some words or something you says when you posted it on line, the content or meaning of what you express may interpret differently by others. Thus, by managing our digital footprints, we must cautions on what should and shouldn't do on the internet because any action we do become a footprint. Social media are very advanced nowadays, while it helps us for getting into school, getting a job and also for meeting peoples around world. By searching the data and information, social media tends to help us to get what we want. On the other hand, Azhan Rabi also introduce a social network called LinkedIn. This network basically provides a platform for peoples searching for a jobs. But Jobstreet are more valuable compare to Linkedin.He tells us that the power of degree which is, leverage,initiate,engage, network, empower, interact and connect which lets people to manage personal branding, online presence and digital identity. Lastly, he advices all of the students use common sense to use the social media to avoid problems happens that will make you regret in the future.